Sunday, May 30, 2010

If I told you where I am now, I'd have to kill you.

Hi! Right now I'm in Crawfordsville, Indiana. (Not my home.) But I'm preparing to leave for the Indianapolis 500 now. I just wanted to update this. Oh Yeah! I also got Spirit Tracks yesterday ^^ I'll tell you ALL about the race later today. Bye!


  1. WHY DOES BEARSJETS57 SAY THAT YOU'RE NOT COMING ON ANYMORE?!?!? (I'm BORED without you... all I have to talk to is Seth! Do you KNOW how annoying he can get? :P)

  2. Sorry.... hehe..... Ummm..... I'll do what I can to stay on.... I can't guarntee I'll stay on.... I'll try though. (It's ok. I'm pretty much bored without you too.)
